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Poster Design


A poster is a graphic marketing tool that allows passerby to obtain current information about a product or services of a company or any event information. Everyone in the business world knows the importance of posters and ads to advertising for specific products. Posters are an integral part of advertising. An eye-catching, attractive poster that conveys a professional, compelling message about a product, service or event will invariably hold the user’s attention. Advertising posters are a common print promotional technique used by small businesses. A poster includes a visual design, images, colors and copy. It provides a message intended to promote brand awareness or call attention to a company event. Relative to other small-business ad opportunities, a poster has a few clear advantages.

Why Us

Size and Shape Flexibility

You can print posters in wide-ranging shapes and sizes. A letter-sized poster allows you to send the poster as a mailer, or fit it more easily onto bulletin boards and other posting locations in the community.

On-going, Long-term Exposure

Posters have 24/7 accessibility and a long shelf life relative to other print media. A newspaper subscriber usually recycles or throws out the paper after one reading.

Distribution Flexibility

Posters also allow for flexible distribution or placement. Towns and cities sometimes have legal restrictions making certain light poles, buildings and public spaces off limits. You also need to get permission from a private business to place a poster at their site.

Affordable Communication

Advertising posters are affordable and offer a high return on investment relative to newspaper and magazine ads.

Low Cost

The rise of the internet and social media websites have actually helped make posters even more cost-effective because now you can display them digitally. So, you might not even have to take printing costs into account.